Autumn/ Winter capsule wardrobe planning 2015

In the last few weeks I've had to decide which clothes I want to take to uni and I thought making an Autumn/Winter capsule wardrobe would be a good idea. I decided on a red, green, purple, navy and black for a colour scheme. Below you can see quick sketches of what I've decided to take. The highlighted items are yet to be made. The list has changed pretty dramatically with items being added and taken away. Since I took this photo 2 items have been crossed off. At the moment the capsule consists of 29 pieces, but that could be subject to change. 
Instead of showing you all of the items of clothing I already own, I thought I'd focus on things on the list that are yet to be made. All of the fabric was acquired at a fabulous Goldhawk Road shopping trip with Claire. All of the modeled photos used are pinned on my wardrobe architect pinterest board.  Apologies for my rough sketches. I clearly need to invest in a Fashionary.
 First up, are some dotty Ginger jeans. I've not been so happy with my flares, as the denim I used for those is pretty stiff and cardboard like with little stretch. This dotty denim is stretchier so all should be good. I'd like to make the high-waisted skinny jean version this time around.

 I wear my 2 pairs of Turia dungarees all the time, and I think some burgundy corduroy dungarees are going to be so cosy!
I'd like to use the Zeena dress pattern as a base for a pleated skirt, with some horizontal pin tucks near the hem for some interest.
I've had this grey wool in the stash for years and I haven't known what to make from 1 metre of it. It's been simmering in my brain and I think it would make a great pair of winter shorts to wear over thick black tights.
Lastly, an Anderson blouse in some green polycrepe. I'm really intrigued to see how this one turns out.
Hopefully I'll have some spare time at uni to make these a reality!
Thanks for reading,
Lauren xx