Floral Top

This is yet another top that I made for my sixth form wardrobe. The fabric was originally a skirt but it seemed to me that it would be a lot more wearable as a top, so a top it has become. For such a simple garment, I had to do far too much unpicking. I started off using a pattern, but it was rubbish as the armholes and neck were far too tight, in fact I couldn't even get it over my head. So, I unpicked the armholes and re-sewed them. 
Because this top was originally a skirt, the only way I could fit the pattern piece in was to have a seam in the back which was fine. I first wanted to unpick the first 8 inches or so from the seam and put a zip in. However, the zip I had in mind was metal, and so I felt that it was too heavy and would ruin the drape of the garment, so I still unpicked the 8 inches but just put a popper at the top. And there's me showing you what its like when I undo the popper. You also get a nice view of the bias binding.
I whipped up a bow belt to go with the outfit at lunch, an hour before these photos were taken. Lunch time now seems to be my hand sewing time. This belt was very similar to the one I made for my prom dress. It was made from the waistband of the skirt so it was already handily interfaced and fastened at the front with poppers.
That's everything so thank you for reading!
Oh and thanks again to Ainjiel for the photos!
Lauren x