Strapless Maxi

 Hi! Today I have to share with you my latest project, a floral strapless maxi dress. This dress wasn't made for any particular purpose, but just because I wanted to. My exams are all done, I've sewn a lot of cake and now it's time for some frosting. This dress has undergone a great many transformations from my original design which was inspired by this picture found on pinterest. However when I adapted my sloper to fit with this design it just didn't work with my body shape. My shoulders are too rounded for the straps to sit properly. Then there was plan B which involved cutting off straps and making it a halterneck bodice instead. This didn't work out because there was far too much gape-age exactly where there shouldn't be so I abandoned that and went onto plan C, which is the dress you see before you.

The bodice I used was this one from Lekala from which I cut off the straps. The skirt is a full gathered one from style 1004 which I also used for last years prom dress. I'm really happy with the fit which is pretty much spot on. 
Because the dress is strapless I added boning to all of the bodice seams apart from the centre back where the zip went. This was done by sewing it directly into the pressed open seams on the lining which I used calico for to give it some sturdiness because the crepe is very slippery and lightweight. Sorry I can't get the rotation how it's supposed to be but you get the idea. 
I'm really pleased with the construction of the dress. Every piece was overlocked first because the crepe frayed like crazy and all of the bodice seams are hidden by the lining. My hair by the way, I curled with straws last night. It works surprisingly well! The flower crown I made with fake flowers for prom last year.
When I tried on the strapless bodice muslin I was concerned about how flat I looked in my already not-very-endowed chest. After reassurances from friends I realised that I need to stop trying to make my body fit the worlds beauty standards. So what if this dress doesn't make my chest look big? I still like how it looks, and that's all that matters. 

The dress in total used 5 metres of fabric, making it my most expensive garment to date, totaling at 25 pounds. The fabric I found here, even though it's polyester the print was just too gorgeous to say no to. The colours are just amazing.

I really love how my hair looks fake bobbed in this photo. Will bear that in mind later for future reference.

I love how the dress looks like a jumpsuit here. 

Above all, I just love how HAPPY this dress makes me. And thats what clothes are for. Yes they are also to make sure that you don't go to prison for indecent public exposure, but for me they are more than that. They give me the confidance to be the best version of me that I can be. 

Thanks so much for reading!
Lauren xx