A Spring Dress

2013-04-06 14.04.32 (1440 x 1920)This dress is made out of my brothers old pillowcase and a forgotten wrap skirt. It was a bit of a disaster because I fitted to the bodice to Millie (my mannequin), who had gained a few pounds without me realising -_- I wanted it to look really professional but i’d already sewn on the lining so for some reason I didn’t unpick it, I just took the outer and the lining in at the same time resulting in an untidy inside.You can’t see from the picture but it’s actually a halterneck, using the leftovers of the skirt material. Strapless dresses and I don’t go very well together.Also, sorry for the posing. I’ll get the hang of it someday…

I cut out the bodice from simplicity 8383 and fit it to Millie, removing as usual inches and inches of the bust area.

I trimmed the top and bottom of the bodice so it looked how I wanted it to look. Then I put it with the skirt to see whether it worked or not.

The next step was to rip apart the bodice and put it onto grease proof paper to make the pattern pieces. I also added a seam allowance.

This is the pillowcase that I cut the bodice out of.

A pic of the bodice in construction.

This is the dress before I sorted the hem out, but you get the idea.
Next time I’ll move the halter straps a little further in and i’ll make sure that Millie is actually the right size!
Now I just have to wait for weather warm enough to wear it out…