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Me-Made-May 2015 Week 1 round up

 Hello all! This years pledge for Me Made May is as follows: " I, Lauren Digby of www.ladysewalot.blogspot.co.uk, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '15. I endeavor to wear at least one handmade garment each day for the duration of May 2015 and try not to have any outfit repeats." It's going well so far. I would say that taking pictures is the hardest thing!

Day 1: Grey blazer and dress with a RTW shirt.
Day 2: A sneak peek of this months Minerva Crafts project, yet to be blogged, worn with a RTW cardi.
Day 3: Unblogged floral lady skater and RTW cardi.
Day 4: Cherry Blossom Chardon and RTW top that I need to copy because this one has been worn so much it's falling to bits.
Day 5: Grey dress, green cardi and RTW scarf.
Day 6: A finished on that very morning Victoria blazer and Holly trousers. The trousers are a future Minerva Crafts project and I managed to squeeze the blazer from the scraps because I was determined to wear these trousers to school!
Day 7: Floral top refashion which is one of my oldest makes still being worn, grey skirt and green cardi
Day 8: Today was a non-uniform day so I went for floral dungarees and the navy lace bomber jacket.
Thanks for reading and to Beth for being a saint for taking photos every day!
Lauren xx