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My Multiple Liebsters

Hi All! Today I've got a bit of catching up to do. Throughout the last couple of months I've been nominated by no fewer than 5 people for a Liebster award: Sew Rachel, One Small Stitch, Sally Bee Makes, The Enantiomer Project and Design by Lindsay. So, I'd better get a move on and answer everybody's questions! I'll try and keep it short and snappy.

Sew Over It

1. Why did you start blogging?
Because I wanted to keep a record of everything I made.
2. How do you get yourself out of a sewing funk?
By starting a project that really excites me.
3. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
Hmm. Not sure.
4. Sewing for other people: love it or loathe it?
Depends what it is. And whether I'm being paid to make it. And who it's for.
5. What is your best feature?
My hair!
6. What is your favourite fabric shop?
The market stall in Leicester.
7. What is your biggest sewing sin?
Not pinning fabric when I cut it. (only occasionally)
8. If you could make any sewing process disappear what would it be?
9. Which other crafts, if any, do you do?
I bake cakes for peoples birthdays if that counts? If you want to see any of the cakes I've made for people feel free to browse my pinterest board here.
10. Cats or dogs?

One Small Stitch

1. What was your best holiday ever?
I'm hoping that it's going to be our trip to Australia this summer.
2. What is something that comes easily to you?
3. What is your favourite thing about your home?
My sewing room/bedroom.
4. Early bird or night owl?
Both. Have no choice in being an early bird because my first bus is at 7.21am...
5. Who was your first crush?
Ahem... too recent to divulge...
6. What two things do you want to do before you die?
Go to goldhawk road and to the NYC garment district. Is it bad that these are the first things that came into my head?
7. What makes you laugh?
My Dad. Every time without fail.
8. What was the best decision you ever made?
To start sewing!
9. What are you most afraid of?
Having an accident that wouldn't allow me to sew anymore.
10. What three wishes would you request from a genie?
Unlimited fabric money, a castle and a time machine (so I can have a lie in instead of getting the buses to school)
11. What is the most essential thing you've learned so far?
Mistakes are okay!

Sally Bee Makes

1. If you had an infinite amount of money that would disappear after one day, how would you spend that day?
Fabric shopping!!!!!
(the rest I've answered above)

The Enantiomer Project

1. Why/ How did you choose the name of your blog?
I was walking through the school gates one morning with my friend Lucy and I was talking about my blog that lacked a name. Apparently it was based on Sir Lancelot as she's a huge Merlin fan.
2. What fashion icon do you take inspiration from?
I don't have a particular fashion icon. I take inspiration from pretty much everyone and pinterest.
3. What is the most difficult fabric you have worked with?
This monstrosity of a 4 way stretch chiffon before I knew what 4 way stretch even meant. It did not end well.
4. What is your proudest sewing moment?
This dress

Design by Lindsay

1. What's one sewing fear that you've overcome?
2. What type of garment is your favourite to sew? Is it also your favourite type of garment to wear?
I love sewing dresses because they're easy to wear.
2. Do you prefer sewing with indie patterns or traditional patterns?
Indie patterns because they hold your hand more.

Questions for my nominees: 

Monica from Seams Right to Me and Margo from Creating in the Gap.

1. Your favourite childhood movie
2. What's your favourite colour? Is it  incorporated into your sewing?
3. Do you prefer the summer or winter months? And does that translate to your sewing?
4. Do you focus on projects that you NEED to make or projects that you WANT to make?
5. Why did you decide to start your blog?
6. How did you decide on your blog name?
7. How do you get inspired to sew something?
8. If you have a massive sewing list, how do you prioritize the things that you make?

I can't wait to hear the answers to my questions! Thanks so much everyone who nominated me for this award, I had tons of fun answering the questions and thinking up new ones.
Lauren xx