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Red Wool Blazer for "If the Shoe Fits" Project Sewn Challenge Week 3

 I've been looking for a cropped blazer to wear with all of my highwaisted stuff FOREVER. But they don't seem to exist any more so I adapted Deer and Does Pavot jacket pattern that I received for my birthday, my first indie pattern people! It is by no means perfect. The hem doesn't look even, the collar doesn't end at the right place and the buttonholes look disgusting. But I learnt how to do tons of new things. I've never bagged a jacket before, i've never made covered buttons before and I've never managed buttonholes that just work before now! So at least I've achieved something.

 I made the jacket cropped by just ignoring the skirt and waistband pattern pieces. In my muslin it was far too short, especially with the fact that I'd cut off the waistband and that I have a really long waist so I lengthened all the pattern pieces by 10cm which was perfect. My mock up didn't fit that well around the bust (whats new) and I stupidly discounted it for wearing ease. Now I wish I'd fit it properly.
Even though the pattern is unlined I didn't want to go to all the trouble of making a blazer without making it pretty inside. It was half guesswork and half looking at the pictures from these french instructions. Bagging a lining is like magic, it all works out, but ask me to explain how and I don't have a clue.

 I should probably talk about the shoes now. I NEVER wear high heels, for a number of reasons. a) I feel too young for heels. When I wear heels it's kinda like I'm playing dress up. b) I walk like a drunkard in theme even though I've never had a drop in my life (true story, alcohol smells DISGUSTING) and c) When/where would I wear them? School is a no-no. Parties are non-existent.
 But anyway, because I didn't own any shoes suitable for this challenge I asked Meghan who is the owner of many a wonderful pair of shoes if she had some I could borrow. These are perfect. I loved the red and navy colour scheme, which worked with the fabrics in my stash. Turns out grass is not the greatest texture to be walking on in stilettos. I guess you can see that I'm kinda a novice at this balancing thing, but I do feel kinda sassy in them when I'm stationary ;)

So in conclusion. This blazer was a great learning curve for me but lots of things let it down for me, mainly the fit, but hopefully I will get some wear out of it. The dotty dress was blogged about here. 

Thanks very much for reading, and voting for me in the last round!
And thanks very much to Meghan for letting me borrow her shoes and inspiring me to make this blazer in the first place!
Also thanks to Edward who took the photos in return for a marshmallow and chocolate sauce pancake which was a pretty good deal.
Lauren xx